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The Venezuelan president candidate Maduro said the
mtt89060420 发表于 2013/3/13 10:51:00

The Venezuelan president candidate Maduro said the son of Chavez

I'm not Chavez, I'm his son. I am you, a worker. You and I are Chavez, the country's workers and soldiers.

-- Maduro (51 years old, Commission on behalf of the president, presidential candidate ) cannot use the death, especially based on electoral purposes ... ... The election is between you and me, don't put the president pulled in.

-- ( 40 years old, his presidential candidate )


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Chavez cancer experience disclosed for the first t
mtt89060420 发表于 2013/3/11 10:56:00

Chavez cancer experience disclosed for the first time last only work with iPad

Venezuelan President Chavez's funeral was over, 9 local time, the media quoted officials close to Chavez 's words to disclose his cancer and her final days in detail, thus the Dr. Chavez the truth finally gradually became known. From the disclosure is not difficult to see, Chavez is a man full of perseverance, very admire.

Her final weeks have not words

The ministers can only use iPad Report


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South Korea held a security meeting with North Kor
mtt89060420 发表于 2013/3/8 15:12:00

South Korea Wholesale Fake Oakleys held a security meeting with North Korea unilaterally abolished the armistice agreement


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Rodman end of the visit from North Korea and Kim J
mtt89060420 发表于 2013/3/7 9:09:00

Rodman end of the visit from North Fake Oakley Sunglasses Korea and Kim Jeong-eun hit it off

End of the visit to leave the country

According to the Xinhua News Agency NBA before the famous player Rodman 1, left Pyongyang by plane, he said at the airport, North Korea trip "awesome ".


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Leader of the opposition to the death penalty in B
mtt89060420 发表于 2013/3/5 20:54:00

Leader of the opposition to the death penalty in Bangladesh cited riots caused 71 dead

Dhaka Fake Oakley 4 March Xinhua ( reporter Zheng Jianghua ) Bangladesh for war crimes trial and riots in fifth days, has caused 71 deaths.


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The United States soldiers allegedly leaked to Wik
mtt89060420 发表于 2013/3/4 11:29:00

The new American Secretary of state Kerrey's first visit to Egypt by the people.

The new American Secretary of state Kerrey on the 2 day, 3 day of Egypt to start visit, he has met with Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr, President Mulsi of Egypt, some opposition leaders and representatives of non-governmental organizations. Although Kerrey has started to emphasize their to Egypt to intervention but not to listen, but many people in Egypt or hissing " meet " Kerrey: the United States support the Muslim Brotherhood, to pay for the current

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The United States Senate vote on the CIA director
mtt89060420 发表于 2013/3/2 9:50:00

The United States Senate vote on the CIA director excuse delay.

According to the American media reported in February 28th, the United States Senate Intelligence Committee in the White House has not been timely submit satisfactory confidential documents on the Fake Ray Bans grounds, to postpone Obama nominated Brennan as the director of the central intelligence agency members vote, will delay the vote until March 5th.


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Rodman, Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong Il 's visit
mtt89060420 发表于 2013/3/1 15:47:00

Rodman, Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong Il 's visit

According to the KCNA reported in February 28th, the United States occupation basketball league ( NBA ) football star Dennis Rodman 28, visited the Pyongyang Kumsusan Sun Palace, and to the late North Korean leader Kim Fake Oakley Sunglasses Il-Sung and Kim Jong Il 's face.


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Syria said the opposition has control of the Syria
mtt89060420 发表于 2013/2/28 14:59:00

Syria said the opposition has control of the Syrian abandoned nuclear reactor Fake Ray Ban

According to the British Reuters reported in Fake Ray Ban Sunglasses February 24th, 24 of Syria's opposition news release, they have control of the Israeli warplanes destroyed in six years ago, is located in the Euphrates river bottom nuclear reactor.


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The Russian foreign minister said that does not al
mtt89060420 发表于 2013/2/26 9:36:00

The Russian foreign minister said that does not allow the military to solve the Korean nuclear issue Fake Ray Ban

In February 25, according to Itar-Tass reported, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday (25 days ) says, Fake Ray Ban Sunglasses Russia does not allow North Korea to military track.


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