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Leader of the opposition to the death penalty in B
mtt89060420 发表于 2013/3/5 20:54:00

Leader of the opposition to the death penalty in Bangladesh cited riots caused 71 dead

Dhaka Fake Oakley 4 March Xinhua ( reporter Zheng Jianghua ) Bangladesh for war crimes trial and riots in fifth days, has caused 71 deaths.

Meng police spokesman Katz Ziaudin told Xinhua 4, Northwestern Bangladesh Xilaganjie area and Fake Oakley Sunglasses southwest of Satkhira area on the day of the 1 people and 2 people were killed in the riots, the total number of deaths rose to 71 people riot. On the day before the riots, 22 people died, all over the country.

In the capital Dhaka, someone threw a homemade bomb in the visit of President Mukerjee of India hotel around 4 pm; Dhaka's Kamala Poole train station a stop at the station intercity train have been burned. Fortunately, the two events are caused no casualties.

The 1 " international war crimes court in February 28th sentenced " Jamaat-e-Islami ( the party ) vice president Hussein Saidi to death. At the age of 73, Saidi was charged with several crimes against humanity in the 1971 war of independence Christian Louboutin Replica of Bangladesh.

After the verdict was announced, the party supporters in many parts of the country continued to violent clashes with the police broke out. The party and the main opposition Nationalist Party announced that were held nationwide general strike in 3 days to 4 days and 5 days.

Saidi is the Iraqi leaders third jailed for Fake Oakleys the past two months. In February 5th, 2 " international war crimes tribunal sentenced to Iraq " General Secretary of Party assistant Kader Maulana to life in prison. In January 21st, 2, the court sentenced in absentia Iraq party another leader Karam Azad to death.

The Hasina administration came to power in 2009, has set up 1 and 2, " the international war crimes tribunal for trial in 1971, " to prevent Bangladesh independent " war criminals ". In addition to the senior leaders accused Iraq party, including some leaders of nationalist party.

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