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Rodman, Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong Il 's visit
mtt89060420 发表于 2013/3/1 15:47:00

Rodman, Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong Il 's visit

According to the KCNA reported in February 28th, the United States occupation basketball league ( NBA ) football star Dennis Rodman 28, visited the Pyongyang Kumsusan Sun Palace, and to the late North Korean leader Kim Fake Oakley Sunglasses Il-Sung and Kim Jong Il 's face.

According to the report, from the United States of America guests pay tribute to Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong Il 's statue. They entered the Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong Il immortal hall, to see their face. Subsequently, Rodman visited the exhibition hall, hall of tears and Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong Il 's ride in cars, electric cars, passenger ships and trains.

In addition, Fake Oakley North Korea and the United States basketball players of the two countries in 28 days in Pyongyang Liu Jing Zheng Zhouyong stadium held a basketball match. Kim Jeong-eun, the North Korean leader and his wife Li Xue came to the stadium, watching the game and Rodman are sitting in the grandstand central.

The United States Basketball represented by Harlem Yu basketball team organization, Rodman as head of the Fake Oakleys delegation arrived in Pyongyang 26 days this month, on a week-long visit to the DPRK basketball friendly exchanges. Members of the delegation, a total of 13 people, including Harlem Yu basketball players and more American journalists. It is reported, Rodman's visit to the United States of America recording a video HBO television network.

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