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[ 2006/9/24 13:25:00 | By: 冰凌澄夏 ]

Hello, Chinese readers.

I am so grateful that my books are published in Chinese mainland again and I fell so happy that outsider sold well.

I’ve been looking forward to publishing this series for a long time.

It feels really great that I can meet Chinese readers through my fictions since I am very interested in China and wish to visit there again even though I’ve been there for three times.

I want to say china and Chinese readers gave me so nice impressions. I look forward to meeting the readers in China again.

I hope you enjoy reading my books and, once again, I feel appreciative of the publication.

I wish your happy life from the morning till the end of a day.

                                                                                    Sincerely yours,


从开始到现在:一直喜欢你!~!~!~!~!     仍好想抱着你一辈子~!~!~!~!!!!

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