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kart game player" in the game world
st20113 发表于 2013/3/12 13:30:00
 as "a group of the most lovely kart game player" in the game world, the novice first, may not know what course to take.Facing the drift of the wonderful, facing the ultimate records, many beginners often draw a long breath and sigh.Don't be afraid, from now on, "KartRider" specifically for the new launch activities "freshman, award upgrades" has already begun, let us explore new welfare!
 new report award upgrades 

 from October 13th to October 26th, the "yellow box equipped with yellow gloves stick", running in thecabal alzguild wars goldrs gold  speed equation model, as long as the use of special accelerating impact NPC reached 10 times, can obtain practical "double experience card" (10 days); in the rate equation model driving and 10 back, then you can get super beautiful and very precious "notes glare" (30 days).If you order the final target unremittingly, driving at speed equation model is more than 30 times, you can get a SR (10 days)!With the reward, you no longer have to worry about novice stage race, the SR will use its stability, protect you to the end!

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