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Do Well Dressed Men Appeal To Women
xiaoyaokc31 发表于 2012/12/17 13:08:00

Although many women like to say that it's not the clothes that make the man, they will also tell you that they truly appreciate a well dressed one.

It has always been an acceptable factor that clothing is used to create sex appeal. It is almost natural instinct when a guy wants to impress a girl or vice versa a great deal of extra care will be taken in the choosing of the clothing for that first date particularly.

Women are of the belief that when a man dresses up for when they are going to spend time together that is a show of respect, and this is a gesture that is well received from the female gender.

Clothing also brings the best of the man's good looks out. There is much that can be cheap ralph lauren polo shirts done to enhance the strong points of one's appearance and camouflage the weaknesses. Women like to show off their men, and when they are well dressed this makes it all the more pleasant.

There is a tendency for some women to believe that a well dressed man is a sign of success. It portrays that they care about themselves and what to get ahead in life. It shows energy and zest for life when one wants to look their best.

It really is no different in a man where he wants his woman to look attractive. It is the same concept with women towards men, although in the past that has not been as well known or made an issue of. It becomes more evident when it is seen how often the women will shop for men's clothing in order to keep their men well dressed.

Often the clothes that are being worn by the man is what appeal's to the woman, and will attract her cheap ralph lauren polos to visit homepage the man in their initial meeting. The way a man is dressed says much about him in the woman's eyes.

It is very important though that a man dress as to who he is. For example, attempting to dress like a rock star is really not painting an accurate picture. The well dressed man is the one who is wearing clothes that are of decent quality and suited to his physique and character. Wearing tight leather pants and a vest just to impress a woman is not going to last too long.

Of course women still are attracted to that macho rugged look that is so characteristic of men, but they also find the well dressed man in business attire most impressive as well. It has always been known that clothes make an impression as it is evident of how both men and women will dress their best for important occasions. So the bottom line is if you want to impress the women in your life then dress the part.

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