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There are two ways
hugh0919 发表于 2012/5/30 10:22:00
There are two ways canned tomato pastefor your puppy to carry the rings down the aisle. If your pup is calm, well trained and don't mind having things on his back, you can use a pillow for the rings just like the ones used in traditional weddings but designed especially for dogs. These will strap to your pet to keep it from falling off as he walks towards you. rare earth magnetsgThe second way is to attach the rings to your pet's collar. This is great for those dogs that don't particularly like anything riding on their backs. If you choose this method, you can buy him a special collar that matches your tuxedo so he will fit in perfectly, which brings us to another good point. When your dog is your ring bearer, he needs to dress for the part. Doggie Wedding Attire for Your Pup dye sublimation lanyardIncluding your dog in your wedding is a growing trend that gets more popular every year. For this reason, designers are making more wedding attire for dogs. Traditionally, the ring bearer will wear a tuxedo and your puppy can follow that tradition, too. neodymium disc magnetsThere are many tuxedos available for your pet that will compliment your tux perfectly. You can choose the traditional black and white attire or choose a pinstripe or plaid design. You can also find doggie wedding attire in silver, taupe and even Leopard print. You can add bow ties and doggie cuffs to set off the tux even more. If dressing your puppy in attire is not an option, don't worry. You can try a tuxedo scarf, a simple necktie or a beautifully designed collar. Either one of these will allow him to be comfortable while still being dressed for the occasion. sport bagWhile having your puppy as your ring bearer is a great idea and something that will truly make your wedding memorable, keep in mind that even the best-behaved pets can be unpredictable. He may decide he does not want to walk down the aisle in front of all those people or he may get sanitary ball valvesrestless during the ceremony. For this reason, you need to have a back-up plan and someone to remove your pet to an area where he will be more comfortable if necessary."Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom, and with all thy getting, get understanding." Prov. 4:7Receiving... mysunJust like attraction and repulsion, cause and effect, up and down, in and out, giving and receiving is one principle. All giving leads to receiving. It's one of those natural laws that work in spite of our efforts to thwart it. We can't break that law; we can only work with it to our benefit or detriment. The Bible says, "God makes the rain to fall on the just and unjust alike." Receiving, then, is necessary to the process. And it works well.

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