Old fish accept MRI trevor ariza back after Christ 2012/12/20 9:40:00
The NBA regular season progresses, the league also therefore become colorful, the following is today's NBA major injuries audio file summary: Derek fisher under MRI view The mavericks guard Derek fisher than suffered knee injury confusion, even though "old fish" condition is not very serious, but in the team the obvious very discreet, cheap nfl jerseys , is still let fisher withstand nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) view, to admit that detailed the injury situation. After the injury is Derek fisher walked out of the stadium, coach rick Carlisle also indicated that the fisher "doesn't look serious", but as a veteran, injuries of the assault on earth always very ravel, and Dallas is still very seriously, "old fish" condition. Novak suffer from flu assault The knicks forward Steve novak suffer from flu assault, cause his condition is not very good, although the knicks will against city team jersey nets, but novak have can not be fit for. If novak missing words, so the knicks can only use other players to resist his vacancy, J.R. Smith will get more approach moments, and Ronnie brewer and Chris science rand is expected to play in the moment to promotion. Horner di fear will continue to miss 76 people center Andrew bynum's injury has let the team appropriate ravel, in this case the point guard zhu - horner di also suffered the same foot, in a "small shark" lessons drawn from others' mistakes, 76 people in the aspects of horner di more discreet. Although horner dean's injury is not very serious, they are still in good health guarantee his 100% under the condition of talent on stage, thus horner di have can still will continue to miss. It seems to meet after bynum's injury, and 76 in the aspects to injury problem has become the inhumanity hurts vegetation. Trevor ariza was a little better The wizards small forward trevor ariza because the cause of the calf injury absence has more race, according to leak, trevor ariza today's situation has improved, but the current is still out of continuous without the adjacency. The wizards in the future 5 are in the moment will play four games competition, cheap jerseys ,so close distance about serious illness beginning more obvious the forward trevor ariza is not suitable. But today's trevor ariza has now can be jogging, and is in the process of injury adjacency, there is the possibility that he may be on Christmas back against the cavaliers wizards competition adjacency comeback.


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